Cupernham Lane, Romsey
We have now received planning permission for a 21 units scheme along Cupernham Lane in Romsey. This development will comprising of three bedroom semi detached houses, three bedroom detached houses and four bedroom detached houses. We are expecting to start construction in the Autum of 2018 will a sales release in the last quarter of 2018. Please keep an eye on our development page for the latest news on this development.
Albany Farm, Bishop’s Waltham
Following our public consultation in May 2013 and November 2014, we are pleased to confirm we have secured outline planning permission for 120 new homes in Bishops Waltham, which will include 48 affordable properties. We will be submitted a Reserved Matters application to Winchester City Council at the end of March 2017 to determine the design and landscape of this exciting, major new development. A copy of the latest illustrative master plan is available below:
Lovedean Lane, Lovedean
We have submitted a new outline planning application for 33 residential dwellings including affordable homes to East Hampshire District Council. A copy of the full planning application documentation is available to view by visiting East Hampshire District Council’s website, and searching reference number 55406/002. A copy of the planning application layout can also be viewed below.